Arqui9 Learn.
where architecture meets science fiction!
Arqui9 has been one of the leading industry firms in architectural visualisation. It is now happy to present a more “refined” and easier to use learning platform. Whether you’re a professional or student, we are here to teach you not only the techniques which we’ve gathered and learnt throughout the years, but also to inspire and help you create your very own amazing visuals.
Harnessing the power of creativity, post production and matte painting as our main driving elements.

postproduction and concept architecture
Arqui9’s founder, Pedro Fernandes, has been helping inspire artists since the very beginning, by starting one of the first Youtube channels totally dedicated to archviz.
The team has grown and they too share an intense knowledge for archviz, counting on familiar names such as Timon , Danny, Michal, Jan and Andrea as well as other invited Arqui9 artists to share their knowledge and know how.
learn from the professionals who do this day in and out
Navigate easily and effortlessly alongside directed tutorials, courses or videos, narrowing out the many amounts of software choices, workflow. Experience tried and true methodologies that are simple and easy to follow and can be used in everyday environments as well as professional ones.

Find your mentor.
In the past a lot of our communication has been through quick and easy emails or Youtube questions, we now offer you the possibility of mentoring and the ability to ask any question you would like, be it from reviewing your images to understanding simple concepts with 3D and post production.

What our
students say.
Credit: Michael Khoo
Artist: Michael Khoo
Website: behance.net/AVA-Studio
Instagram: mkusesinsta
Place: Australia
“ Arqui9Learn has always been one of my greatest source of inspiration and motivation since I stepped my foot into the land of Archviz 5 years back. Throughout the years, I’ve become way more confident in my post production skillset (despite not that great yet), thanks to Pedro's selfless sharing of his knowledge through his tutorial videos. I'm truly grateful that I've found this El Dorado of ArchViz. “
May 2020
Credit: Ioan Ralea-Toma
Artist: Ioan Ralea-Toma
Website: www.ateliermonolit.com
Instagram: ateliermonolit
Place: Romenia
“Arqui9 Learn was one of the main pillars when it comes to my path in architecture visualization and 3d art. It's not just the extremelly valuable information you get from their tutorials, image analysis, reviews, but it's also their love for the art and their philosphy that always pushes you to experiment, to try again, to see thing differentelly. It pushes you to new heights. I have to say that I absolutelly love the "do it in post" approach. To me it allows for a more artistic way of seing things, it speeds up the work, it allows for "happy accidents" and it brings a lot of fun into the process. I highly recommend the Arqui9 Learn channel if you want to learn anything from composition, colors, materials to (of course) post-production or their works if you want to get inspired (and a bit depresed when you see your images again - haha). You guys rock! Thank you! “
May 2020
Credit: Mirko Billi
Artist: Mirko Billi
Website: https://mirkobillidesign.jimdofree.com/
Instagram: visiontwelve
Place: Italy
"Thanks to Arqui9 Learn I understood what it means to develop a creative process with the soul; the importance of everything we don't see but that makes a "magical" image.
The characteristic of the best people is humanity and, after many years, I can say that for me the Arqui9 Team has always been a reference to follow, not only for what they do but for what they are.
One man one day said to me: "The most beautiful thing you can do with your knowledge is to share it", Arqui9 Learn is proof that these words are true."
May 2020

What is Arqui9Learn ?
Arqui9 Learn is a follow up to the popular Youtube channel, we thought we'd take it to the next level developing a webpage that could expand on that and create a series of workshops and masterclasses that have been requested by many of our users on the channel.
What language is used for the classes?
All our classes are given in English. However, some one-to-one mentorship can be given in another language, if agreed in advance with the mentor. Our mentors and team members speak fluently, amongst others, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Polish and more, not sure just drop us a line.
What software do you use for streaming the classes?
The software we will be using for the sessions will be Zoom, with the ability for us to screen share and also the possibility of remote controlling a students screen. Each course or workshop has in the description the software that is used.
Are all the tutorials free ?
Most of our tutorials we create are put on our Youtube for free, and we make sure they are at the highest standard for a positive and useful learning experience. We offer the complementary files for a fee in order to keep costs down and enable us to create more of these.
However, we also offer more in-depth masterclasses and mentor-ships to accompany you in your learning journey. We understand all students are different and so are the learning times, thus offering options of the workshops that include mentorships that can extend beyond the simple completion of images and dive into topics such as “finding your first job”, “creating the ideal portfolio”.
Why do your links take me to gumroad.com for buying and downloading the files ?
In order to provide a more secure, hassle free, quicker experience we've opted to host files on Gumroad, this enables us to host large files (as is the case with the photopacks offered).
Gumroad is one of the most secure and trusted websites for hosting of creative content, plus all VAT issues are delt directly with them, which lets us focus on creating great content for you.
Which are the tools I need to follow a masterclass or workshop ?
We work mainly with the Adobe Suite and 3Ds Max, and strongly recommend you do as well. However, feel free to use any software you prefer, as long as it allows you to follow the class and create a visual. From time to time we will introduce new software packages, but all students will be made aware of this prior.
Can I ask for a specific tutorial, class or mentorship?
Please do contact us at info@arqui9learn.com and let us know your suggestion. It's great to get a sense of what everyone wants to learn these days.
Do you plan on having in house classes?
We certainly are aiming to have in-house classes. At the moment with all the craziness in the world we know this will have to stay on standby. We have an amazing atmosphere in the office, our artists are friends, companions and great people, we want to share a little of that with the world. You can feel it online, but nothing compares to the inhouse feeling, thus why we will also be creating a segment called Working Week, where you can come to our office, benefit from a week seeing how things flow and how a professional studio operates, all this while we hold a workshop. Contact us below to inquire and learn more about this option.
Our work.