Arqui9 Learn brush set.
Brushes are one of the most essential tools in postproduction in Photoshop. In this Photoshop set you will find a simple easy set up of brushes that will enable you to do 99% of your post from these videos and files.
Brushes are one of our most important assets when it comes to the art of postproduction, enabling you to create patterns, paint in specific elements and quickly and easily cutout photos. They won’t make you produce great images, but they certainly do help. Grab our back which is based on some other brushes which you may want to check out as well by Walid and Jonas de Ro.
This pack includes 58 custom brushes.
Narrator and Artist: Pedro Fernandes
Having studied and worked around the world as an architect, Pedro is fascinated by colour and composition, using Photoshop as his weapon of choice. He has become known for his before and after pieces (postproduction) in Architectural Visualisation. He founded Arqui9 and together with the team they have worked for many of the worlds leading architectural firms, including Zaha Hadid, Foster + Partners, Aedas, AECOM and Heatherwick studios, to name just a few.
Included in the file.
1 x Photoshop CC brush set with 58 custom brushes
Video link Using and Creating Brushes in Photoshop
Level Starter to intermediate
Type Postproduction
Programs used Adobe Photoshop CS 7
Credits Photopacks,
Duration 19m
Price $0+
Below you will find a small preview section of the video and the process behind making these brushes.
Brush set
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This pack includes the PSD used with all layers used in the video, this should be very easy to follow through the layer structure. Also remember to grab our free brushes from - https://gumroad.com/l/wypwY
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This pack includes the PSD used with all layers used in the video, this should be very easy to follow through the layer structure. Also remember to grab our free brushes from - https://gumroad.com/l/wypwY
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This pack includes the PSD used with all layers used in the video, this should be very easy to follow through the layer structure. Also remember to grab our free brushes from - https://gumroad.com/l/wypwY
By purchasing any files/photos/psds from Arqui9 Learn you are acquiring a Single Person Use license, whether it's for a personal or freelance project.
A commercial license should be acquired if you are acquiring this for company use.
This is the license that allows you to incorporate purchased photos/files into your own concept designs/files/psds, including for use for commercial projects. This is NOT an agreement of ownership. This license is non-transferable. If you do not agree to the terms, you are not permitted to use the files. Purchasing the files doesn't allow you to resell them unaltered 'as is' to any 3rd party without incorporating them into your own unique designs/images/visualisations. Arqui9 is not liable for any use (commercially or personally) of these files and you should do so at your own expense.
You may not rent, lease, sublicense, distribute, lend nor transfer photos/files 'as is' in their original unaltered form without prior written consent from Arqui9 Learn