About us.
From the professionals behind Arqui9, comes a page dedicated to teaching the art of architectural visualisation matte painting and concepts
Arqui9 Learn is a team learning experience.
Arqui9 is an industry-leading company in the field of Archviz, its core team consisting of members who thrive on creative challenges.
Founded and directed by Pedro Fernandes, Arqui9 continues to produce and share free learning content on youtube, along with developping masterclasses and workshops. We are lucky to work with the most brilliant minds in the industry.
Latest news.
3rd of October 2020 // Pedro.
We’re super please to announce our first workshop, which will be a “Image and Portfolio Review” - This one will be heavily based on the Youtube channel, but with a lot more substance. Adding in; the best ways of getting your work recognized improving your visuals with overpaints, that show you clearly the values, colours and tonalities to work through; how your images can be interpreted by clients or employers, where to improve your visuals with know-how of the professionals from Arqui9 (clients including Zaha Hadid, Heatherwick, BIG).
We really can’t wait to share this time with you and teach you all these new things - ahh and as a special surprise we have a small post production course at the end.
31st of July 2020 // Pedro.
Welcome one and all, it’s with great pleasure we kick off the second part of this journey, that is Arqui9 Learn. We’ll be updating this website as things progress, bringing you more consistent material, courses and tutorials. Learning and meeting other fellow creatives has always been one of the missions behind our learning platform. Through the years our Youtube channel, has enabled us to grow and extend beyond our limited family which is our studio.
We’ve had massive amounts of requests to commence courses and workshops, which we will now be launching over the coming months, these will have limited attendance and will for now be online, hoping to expand into our in house training within the studio.
We can’t wait to meet you, don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter in order to keep in touch with the latest developments and updates.
Meet the Arqui9Learn
Discover the artists behind the tutorials, masterclasses and mentorships
Pedro Fernandes
The Founder and Director of Arqui9
During the years of its career in Archviz, Pedro built Arqui9 and maintained the company at an Industry-leading level.
Recently, he was awarded the best non-commissioned image at the 3D Architects awards at the D2 convention.
He has been teaching and creating tutorials for as far as 2014, coming up with some of the most iconics videos about Archviz on youtube, gathering a community of 100K + subscribers.
Kelly Ramos
Director/Business development
at Arqui9
Bringing her charisma and pragmatic Engineering mind, Kelly is accomplished Mechanical Engineer and focuses on the business development issues within the company, expect to see her give more information and coordination on life post courses and workshops, helping you reach your professional goals
Concept Artist Arqui9
The Breeze, calm like a lake but swift like thunder, no one could make an idea come to life faster. Keep an eye out for his pen skills, blending some mean photobashing wtih sketching.
Timon Van Wynsberghe
Associate Creative Director at Arqui9
As one of our team leaders, Timon has an experience of leading projects within Arqui9, working for clients such as Zaha Hadid, Newtecnic, BIG, AECOM, Aedas and many more for more than 3 years.
Timon makes recurrent apparitions on the Arqui9 youtube channel, and is working closely with Pedro on the tutorials.
Jan Nowakoski
Project Lead at Arqui9
A ninja of the dark arts of 3D software. Jan has become a specialist in various 3D software packages and is incredible at extracting the most photoreal results from any 3D package. Jan like a couple of the team has trained as an architect and has a great knowledge of the architectural practice, which helps him introduce all that immaculate detail which we all so love
Expect him to be teaching anything from Substance to Unreal
Multimedia artist at Arqui9
Andrea brings with him the world renowned Italian passion for design and art (sorry about the cliche). He also brings more of the audio visual realm into the practice, specialising in 3D/postproduction, but also audio production, which he has done for some of the works we have produced in the studio.
Danny Nascimento
Project Lead at Arqui9
3D artists and world traveller, Danny has worked and travelled around the world, from Venezuela to Portugal and Spain, he joins is our UK office and kicks some serious butt when it comes to handling of 3D and post. He made the transition from high end interiors to the world of conceptual architecture and have never looked back since.
He will be seeing him teach very soon in a masterclass.
Michal Bartecki
Project Lead at Arqui9
Michal has become our goto person for animation coordination and implementation. He has also developed into quite the postproduction specialist, becoming a master of both the dark arts of 3D and post. Also another accomplished architectural graduate, he has worked on many of the worlds biggest and most renowned projects.
Expect to see him develop animation courses and tutorials.

Our vision.
Our goal.
Our main goal is to make our knowledge of the industry and art accessible to anyone at any level, regardless of skill level or resources. We want to offer a learning opportunity from the professionals, making it easier to understand the profession, the main elements to focus on as well as pushing art to be the number one motivator of good visuals. We believe software is a tool that enables us to create - the creation process however should never be forgotten or left in second place.
Through our courses, tutorials and mentorships we hope to inspire and meet tomorrows best creatives
Visit us
7-11 Lonsdale House, High St
Reigate, RH2 9AA
8:30 am– 5:30pm
+44(0) 1737 223342