2nd EDITION - 16th JAN 2021 15:00 UTC
Engage and learn with a LIVE interactive portfolio and image review, where Pedro and Timon review your work and visuals. Get the most out of your images, make them stand out and learn some key tips and tricks to improve and get noticed by future employers and clients.
£285,with a 15% discount until the end of december - use “Archviz”
15% OFF until end of dec. promo “archviz”
Workshop overview
Based on our YouTube series in which we review one of our audiences works, we have decided to make the concept more accessible, LIVE, interactive and fun for everyone involved. Expanding on the initial concept and making it a LIVE group experience in order to share and interact with each other as well as provide a enlightening experience for all.
In this workshop Pedro and Timon from the team will review your images and folios and direct you in the best way on
Best ways of getting your work recognized improving your visuals with overpaints, that show you clearly the values, colours and tonalities to work through.
How your images can be interpreted by clients or employers, where to improve your visuals with know-how of the professionals from Arqui9 (clients including Zaha Hadid, Heatherwick, BIG)
Unique overpaints by Pedro and Timon of your works, where to focus, where to improve and which fields to break into as a professional visualizer.
Key insights and recommendations into Art Direction, Programs to use, Industry Standards.
The importance of a strategic portfolio optimized for the professional direction you want to follow.
We couldn’t let you go without a Postproduction class to top it all off.
Main lecturer
Pedro Fernandes / London
Architect, Visualiser and Founder of Studio Arqui9
10 years + experience
Having studied and worked around the world as an architect, Pedro is fascinated by colour and composition, using Photoshop as his weapon of choice. He has become known for his before and after pieces (postproduction) in Architectural Visualisation. He founded Arqui9 and together with the team they have worked for many of the worlds leading architectural firms, including Zaha Hadid, Foster + Partners, Aedas, AECOM and Heatherwick studios, to name just a few.
Supporting lecturer
Timon Van Wynsberghe / London
Lead multimedia artist Arqui9
4 years + experience
Trained in one of the best media schools in Switzerland, Timon is an ace when it comes to digital painting and media. As one of our team leaders, Timon has an experience of leading projects within Arqui9, working for clients such as Zaha Hadid, Newtecnic, BIG, AECOM, Aedas and many more for more than 4 years.
Timon makes recurrent appearances on the Arqui9 Youtube channel, and is working closely with Pedro on the tutorials.

£285 per person (Limited places)
Join the first of our course with this interactive Live Workshop over Zoom. We will be creatively critiquing and indicating the strong points and points that can be improved (all within the confines) a very small group. As well as quick tips and tricks that can really improve your folio. We will also have a paint over session on selected images from the students.
Course setup
3+ Hours Live ZOOM interactive workshop
Maximum amount of students 6
All files and references included in the pack delivered at the beginning of each class.
The class will be lectured in English
Each students should submit 1 to 5 images in their portfolio, so the team can analyse and prep beforehand
Skill level: anywhere from beginner
All files and content provided to alumni
Learn from the pros and one of the industries leading names in post production
No sponsored or affiliated products, strictly independent platform and teaching
Learn professional workflows with real work experience for some of the worlds largest firms
Reviews with Pedro and the team on work developed by the students
Certificate of completion from Arqui9 Learn
Community benefits - coming soon.
You should have a working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop CC and 3D Studio Max and a rendering engine similar to Corona render or an equivalent.
Students should submit their work 1 week prior to the portfolio review, link will be provided in the email
Zoom will be used for the virtual live classes with the recorded material being hosted on teachable
Students should have a good stable internet connection with a webcam and microphone/speakers to easily communicate and receive feedback
January 2021 Workshop
16th January Saturday
15:00 (UTC)
Placements: 6
*If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@arqui9learn.com
a peek into the latest’s class reviews

workshop breakdown.
Welcome to the first of our LIVE workshops. This one is a 3+ hour one in which we focus on improving our students images, reviewing their work as a global portfolio.
Creatively critiquing and indicating the strong points and points that can be improved (all within the confines) a very small group. As well as quick tips and tricks that can really improve your folio. We will also have a paint over session on selected images from the students by Pedro and Timon with indications to what can be improved, offering insight and direction into how you can improve these.
A quick guide into how to strategically prep your portfolio in order to optimise the output of your work
Understand the most common mistakes you are making in your images and how you can improve them
Understand the key factors to improving your value as an artist and as a brand
Learn how to target your skills and talent for future projects and jobs
Learn about the group and the groups work, developing your sense of creative critique
Learn about the community
REVIEWING your folios
Identify and help with the most common problems, identifying the elements to continue and also the most common misconceptions or mistakes.
Group breakout and discussion.
Tips and tricks for each artist to take into consideration
Learn about different pathways to follow in architectural visualisation, rather than just the box standard artist
Learn about which programs are leading the way to the future and future proof your knowledge
Understand how to diversify and standout in a crowd, using different references and sources of inspiration.
overpaint and review of images
Pedro and the team will select some of the most representative images from the group to overpaint and exemplify quick and easy elements that can with a few different steps be improved dramatically
The team will also indicate and reference possible solutions as well as potential tutorials and guides to follow in order to improve.
All overpaints will be made available to the students upon completion.
FinAL thoughts
Conclusions and summary of course, understanding any key questions from our students
Introduction into the community aspect of Arqui9 Learn
Certificate of completion
All files will be delivered and made available upon completion of the course for all students
How will the classes be lectured?
The class/workshop will consist of a 3 hour block that will be lectured continuously with no more than 10 people with breakout groups of 5 people. The classes will be held over Zoom, a good internet connection is a priority.
What will I need for each class?
The software and hardware needed will be listed at the top of the course page. Sometimes certain software pckages can be substituted but that would be up to the student to be responsible for knowing their piece of software. In doubt, just drop us a line at info@arqui9learn.com . We do recommend a drawing tablet, although the class can be done with a simple mouse and keyboard.
What time will the classes be held?
Classes will be held at the stipulated time mentioned in the course at the top of the page
Congratulations on buying your seat. Once you have successfully registered and paid, you will receive an email with more information in regards to where to upload your portfolio and also any other particulars in regards to the course
Do I need to be a pro at post production to enroll?
You certainly don’t, this image/portfolio review is intended to help you understand some of the most important and quick things you can improve in your images, whilst also guiding you through the creative process.
what type of experience or level is this course for?
This course is specially designed for anyone starting from a beginner level. It is aimed at students and people making their way into the marketplace, but can also be considered for more advanced groups
what makes these courses unique?
Arqui9 is known as one of the firms who brought out tutorials for matte painting in archviz. We have years of professional experience and our studio is comprised of specialized artists who are experienced in many aspects of the visualisation /artistic world . We do not promote side products or affiliates in these courses, we are simply showing you the techniques and elements that make us one of the visualising studios to many of the worlds leading architectural practices.
why should i care about matte painting for archviz or postproduction?
Learning quick post production and matte painting is a gateway to expressing your ideas quickly and expressively, enabling you to convert and work these ideas up in any other software you need, or even just sticking to 2D, saving you time whilst enabling you to think creatively in terms of mood, composition and subject. It connects the artist directly with the canvas.
Many who have worked or work at Arqui9 know the passion and vibe of the studio. We have always been driven by the love of what we do. As a studio there is only so many people which can integrate our team. The school and learning platform has long been a “to do” on our list, enabling us to engage, explore, learn and make the world a more creative place through interactions with other creatives. We also feel post production and 3D go hand in hand, and use whatever tools or techniques are at our disposal in this approach. That said, we also get to have a ton of fun creating new content and images through the school and courses.
core benefits
We thought long and hard on the best way to lecture this class and found out the portfolio review needs a certain level of activity/feedback in order to make a real learning experience. By having the eyes of taught professionals reviewing you can gain valuable insight into the industry and the way images are perceived
professional review of the weeks exercises.
In our longer courses, each week there is a set exercise to enable you to practice the set subject and make it your own, understanding and interpreting the weeks subject. We find this to also be the best form of teaching and have done it for years successfully in the office.
learn the professional way.
The techniques will be teaching you are gathered from years of professional experience, we have tailored them, cut out all the noise and integrated them into this course which we are super happy to share with you.

Student Gallery

Related products.
Matte painting for archviz PSD - $68
In one of our most famous and well known tutorials, Pedro develops a a simple raw render into all its potential. The tutorial PSD file contains all the layers used and the various tips and tricks, that run through blending modes, to understanding the masking process and layering process.
Creating an architectural
Cinemgraph Files/Tutorial - $36
Learn how to animate your your architectural plans using video footage, adding a new level of realism and dynamic to your visuals. Grab this set of files and follow the video to create your very own architectural cinemagraph.
Creating depth in postproduction PSD - $59
In this video, Pedro explores one of the most important elements in architectural visualisation - depth. He explores multiple ways in which you can use your renders to composite them and add the touch of reality and epicness given by depth.
By purchasing any files/photos/psds from Arqui9 Learn you are acquiring a Single Person Use license, whether it's for a personal or freelance project.
A commercial license should be acquired if you are acquiring this for company use.
This is the license that allows you to incorporate purchased photos/files into your own concept designs/files/psds, including for use for commercial projects. This is NOT an agreement of ownership. This license is non-transferable. If you do not agree to the terms, you are not permitted to use the files. Purchasing the files doesn't allow you to resell them unaltered 'as is' to any 3rd party without incorporating them into your own unique designs/images/visualisations. Arqui9 is not liable for any use (commercially or personally) of these files and you should do so at your own expense.
You may not rent, lease, sublicense, distribute, lend nor transfer photos/files 'as is' in their original unaltered form without prior written consent from Arqui9 Learn